What have I missed since February 18th?

Emily Frith stood down as the Lib Dem’s parliamentary candidate just a month after being selected. The local Tories dived in for the kill, while Emily herself explained that the new position she’s taken is her “dream job”

Simon Marcus, the Conservative PPC, told me how he’s trying to ensure a police presence is retained in West Hampstead and Hampstead

A week of lovely sunsets. This one via @_litchic

West End Lane finally reopened on Monday evening after almost a week-long closure. Then there were problems at Cleve Road as well.

A succession of burst pipes should mean West Hampstead moves up Thames Water’s upgrade priority list. Hopefully everyone involved can learn some lessons from this latest debacle.

Camden launched its consultation on introducing a 20 mph zone across the borough. It has sparked plenty of debate.

Camden is also consulting on introducing cafés in some parks, including Fortune Green, Maygrove Peace Park and Kilburn Grange.

Work began on excavating an air raid shelter on Fortune Green.

There was a public meeting about how Section 106 money is distributed in the area. There was a strong view that more transparency was needed. Full write-up this week.

I went to see what happens to all the recycling we put in our green boxes. Full write-up next week.

NW6 film club returns next Sunday (3rd) at the Tricycle and the film is Stoker. More details during the week.

The Road: A Story of Life and Death is NxNW6’s film of the week (it’s partly filmed in Kilburn). Full cinema listings also available.

West Hampstead Overground now has Wifi via The Cloud as a permanent feature.

First Capital Connect came bottom of a survey of rail passengers’ satisfaction levels.

Tom’s Diner checked out some local breakfasts.

Look out next week for the write-up of this Thursday’s Whampreview at Hana.

Got something you want some advice on – or maybe need a new perspective? Open Space is a new idea coming to West Hampstead.

West Hampstead Women’s Centre is looking for some volunteers to help with its community garden.

Next Sunday, there’s a charity spinathon at the Virgin Active Cricklewood in aid of the MS Society.

Brent council approved the controversial planning application to redevelop Willesden Green library.

See what West Hampstead looks like from the top of the BT Tower.

Coming up
25th: NDF meeting 7.30pm (venue tbc)
3rd: NW6 Film Club: Stoker
4th: West Hampstead SNT drop-in surgery, SNT base West End Lane
4th: Fordwych RA meeting, Davina House, 7.30pm
28th: Whampgather XI
5th: West Hampstead SNT drop-in surgery, SNT base West End Lane

Tweet of the Week