The morning after the night before

Last night was the inaugural #whampgather. It was a terrific turnout, despite tube and bus delays doing their best to slow people down. But there’s no stopping an NW6er when there’s free alcohol to be had.

Thanks to everyone who came. We missed those of you that couldn’t make it, but the good news is that there seemed to be a desire to do this again, so I shall soon be polling dates/ideas for a December #whampgather. With critical mass behind us, we should be able to do bigger and better things. And now Stephen Fry knows about us…! A terrible photo of the event below. If anyone happened to take any better, let me know and I’ll happily add them. See you all at the next one – if not before! Full list of attendees underneath for those of you that didn’t catch everyone’s name.
In approximate order of arrival:
@WHampstead – Jonathan
@gitfinger – Bradley
@Cyburn – Tareq
@DJStoney – Mark
Michael (Twitter name pending!)
@mayfield22 – Jane
@lifes_good – Lisa