Celebs turn out for local cricket match

Last Sunday the Hampstead Cricket Club hosted its third annual charity celebrity cricket match. Andy Sarner (@bubela) was on hand with notebook and camera to report

“The HCC Celebrity Cricket Match was, as always, a thoroughly pleasant affair. Due to Chairman and organiser Jim Carter’s role in Downton Abbey there was a distinct Downton presence this year, including Dan Stevens (playing) and Penelope Wilton (watching).

HCC chairman Jim Carter commentates

Local actor/author/tweeter Michael Simkins played a great match, and Greg Wise – sporting huge sideboards for a film – bowled the winning ball after his wife Emma Thompson had bowled the opening delivery.

Greg Wise strides off the pitch

Michael Simkins looks focused

Yes, I think the celeb team (albeit including a Middlesex player) beat the Club team, though I was too busy perusing the cakes and food stalls to watch much cricket. Jim Carter did his usual witty commentary on the match and the following raffle draw. The weather was lovely, the crowd picnicked and, as soon as everything was packed away and we’d all gone home, it rained.”

Emma Thompson and Phyllida Law

Imelda Staunton
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