We have a winner
I have just made the draw for the winner of an item of clothing from I Love My Postcode.
There was no independent ajudicator, and no equipment was checked or verified in advance. However, I promise I did it properly, and The Guardian is free to report it if it so wishes.
First all your names went on the bits of paper you could have written #whampgather suggestions on last night.
Then I folded them all up and put them in this attractive “tombola”.At which point I realised that they were a bit big and wouldn’t really move much even if I shook it a lot. So I shook it a lot anyway, and then scattered them on the table.
And randomly picked a winner. And the winner was….
Congratulations to Blake. We may have to force him to wear the item he chooses at the next #whampgather
Woo! Well done Blake!
Done a link on http://www.474towin.blogspot.com on your blog
Good luck blogging – it's fun!