What have I missed since June 12th
More crap weather in the run up to Wimbledon and Glastonbury, but aside from dodging showers what else have we been up to in this part of London?
Crime is still big news. There was a well-attended meeting in Kilburn ward on Monday that focused on crime and safety. There were assurances about the local impact of cuts to Safer Neighbourhood Teams.
Meanwhile, police in Fortune Green have been taking an unusual approach to tackling burglaries in Operation Poppins.
Those sniffer dogs at Kilburn station find some cocaine – on a Police Community Support Officer.
Over in the South Hampstead conservation area, a currency scammer has struck twice.
Acol Childrens Centre has not been saved by a parents’ campaign but will apparently be “reborn” as a community nursery.
The libraries debate continues as some Camden Conservative councillors “call-in” Labour’s libraries proposals.
West Hampstead & Fortune Green wards have their next joint Area Forum this Monday (20th). Local shops are top of the agenda, so why not come along and have your say? Separately, the local ward councillors are changing their surgery arrangements.
Surprise, surprise, more problems are expected on the Jubilee Line.
In local restaurant news: Lena’s salad bar opened on Friday (where Gustoso used to be). The sudden popularity of Café Bon‘s coconut cake prompted it to join Twitter. Love Food has started a Tots & Toast morning on Mondays. And, finally, Yoo Moo (frozen yoghurt) has opened
at the O2 centre.
The paparazzi were at the Alice House on Tuesday morning as Imogen Thomas was there – allegedly on a house-hunting mission.
The Jester Festival – West Hampstead’s summer jamboree – has a website!
The Winchester Project is looking for a Chief Operating Officer.
The two West Hampstead 5-a-side teams that split from the original 6-a-side Wanderers squad are 1 and 2 in the league.
September 8th – Whampgather VII – Four Worlds Collide
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