Travesty (would be a good name for a font)

The redoubtable Annie Mole, whose Going Underground blog is one of London’s finest, today posted a photo of yet another tube map mashup. We’ve had lots of these of late – puns on film titles, anagrams, movies shot in the location – all following in the footsteps of Simon Patterson’s 1992 work, The Great Bear.

Today’s addition to the fold is from Eiichi Kono, the man responsible for the distinctive New Johnston typeface used on the standard map. Here, Kono has replaced all the stations on the modern tube map with the names of typefaces, so Waterloo is Frutiger, Liverpool Street is Baskerville, etc.

Photo courtesy of Annie Mole

Except he hasn’t replaced all the stations. Two – just two – are omitted*. West Hampstead and Finchley Road stations are marked on the map but have no associated typeface. Why would we be snubbed in such a way!?

Here’s a larger version of the photo above. Which typefaces would you choose to go on the map for West Hampstead and Finchley Road? Which would capture something of the essence of these two stations?

9 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Agree with Phillip – and can be interchanged with any other arcane, pretentious or flimsy type: You think you're snubbed – us South Londoners are lucky even to get a couple typefaces down our way.

  2. WHampstead
    WHampstead says:

    Stop complaining Anonymous (no.2). South of the river you get the fantastic Cancelleresca Bastarda. What more could you want?

  3. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I'll side step that obvious provocation (I only fight on the weekend) – but no, it's the kind of namby pamby, curly serif script that you can keep to be honest – and not particularly welcome round here. (Anonymous 2).

  4. alex4d
    alex4d says:

    Given that Hampstead is ‘Berthold Grotesque,’ how about ‘Bertold Imago’ for West Hampstead?

    As West Finchley is ‘Microgramma’ (as used on Casio calculators of the 70s), a related typeface for Finchley Road would be ‘Eurostile Extended No. 2.’

    Monument is also missing. ‘Trajan’ is relevant.

    Pity he didn’t have ‘Russell Square’ for Russell Square.;

  5. alex4d
    alex4d says:

    By the way, I think that Simon Patterson, the artist who created ‘The Great Bear,’ one of the first tube map mashups, must be a local.

    He assigned names of footballers to Jubilee line stations. He chose ‘John Barnes’ for Finchley Road!

    Using the same logic, if one of the lines going through Sloane Square was ‘Sitcom Actors,’ he could rename it ‘Peter Jones.’

  6. WHampstead
    WHampstead says:

    haha – very good. I see West Hampstead was Paul Gascoigne. Not sure how I feel about that… brilliant but ultimately flawed – a tragic hero.


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