Advertise on West Hampstead Life

Doing business in West Hampstead?

Want to reach the most targeted audience possible?

Advertise on West Hampstead Life

It couldn’t be simpler or more cost-effective

Whether you want to raise awareness of your business, tell locals about a special offer, or promote an event,  West Hampstead Life is by far the most popular and respected website dedicated to West Hampstead. It also covers news from Kilburn, South Hampstead, Fortune Green, Finchley Road and Swiss Cottage and has a readership concentrated in this part of London.

The site generates substantial traffic – peak months see 20,000 unique visitors and upwards of 50,000 page views.

Unlike almost every other local media website, West Hampstead Life is designed so that your adverts are seen by everyone. Whether on desktop, tablet or phone, your advert retains a prominent position rather than sinking to the bottom where it’s out of sight/out of mind, or not appearing at all on smaller devices.

Almost 50% of traffic to West Hampstead Life is from tablets and mobiles. Why pay a fortune when only half the people you’re being told will see the ad will actually ever clap eyes on it? West Hampstead Life actually cares about its advertisers – your success is what enables us to do what we love doing.

Advertising opportunities
(all prices excl. vat)


Banner ad £95/wk
728w x 90h – 1 available
(mobile version 300×50)

Top sidebar ads £75/wk
300w x 250h – 2 available
(tablet version 728 x 90; mobile version 300 x 50)

Skyscraper ad £65/wk
300w x 600h – 1 available
(tablet version 728 x 90; mobile version 300 x 50)


Reach more than 2,150 readers (correct as of June 8th, 2016)

Top banner ad £40/wk (1 available)
Middle banner ad £35/wk (1 available)
Footer ad £30/wk (3 available)

All banners are 560w x 72h.

Design services

If you are unsure about how to create an advert, we can help you with the design, but we do charge an additional flat rate of £50 for a newsletter ad and £150 for a banner or sidebar ad.

Sponsored post

Does your brand deserves more than a banner ad? Why not write an article. This sort of “native advertising” is increasingly popular, and if you have something genuinely interesting to say or can find that sweet spot between your business objectives and readers’ desire for great content, then these pieces can be at least as popular as the editorial content we generate.

For example, a local dentist sponsored the Alexandra Palace firework display in 2013. The article they wrote was hugely popular as people are often searching for information about local fireworks. Local estate agents regularly write property features and these frequently appear in our “most read” list.

Some companies also choose to run competitions – we’ve had concert tickets, a year’s car club membership, book giveaways and more.

If you’re interested in engaging readers with your business rather than just telling them how great you are, then get in touch. Prices start from £100, and are based on length of article, whether you want us to write the copy for you, run a competition etc.

CONTACT US for more details and availability:

Local elections 2018: The candidates

The local elections are on May 3rd. This is when you get the chance (and “you” includes EU citizens) to vote for three councillors for the ward you live in. All the ward councillors who are elected form Camden council (or Brent council for those of you the other side of the Kilburn High Road). […]