Tiny art exhibition on Mill Lane
You are going to have to look very closely, but there is still one ‘statue’ left of a tiny temporary art exhibition on (and around) Mill Lane. It has been organised by the the gallery/tattooists Monsters of Art, who gave us an insight last month, together with artist Roy’s People.
Last month they said that a good chunk of their business is selling original art. One of the artists they follow on Instagram is Roy’s People, and out of the blue he messaged to say would they like to stock his work. Of course they replied. As well as stocking his work, Dan persuaded Roy to come up to West Hampstead and set up some work in the area.
Roy came up to West Hampstead this week and installed ten figures along Mill Lane. WHL had hoped that they would stay in situ for people to enjoy but Roy said “fat chance, they always get taken”. However, each of them had a little tag attached asking for the finder to photograph the figures at the home of their new owners (or wherever). The photo can then be emailed to Monsters of Art or posted on Instagram.

This disco diva is still be found
So far there has been nothing posted or emailed. If you found one of the figures, Rachel from Monsters of Art asks please post an image!

Where did this little blighter end up?
Roy’s People is a urban artist who paints tiny figures and put them in scenes on the street, often with a touch of humour, and then photographs these miniature installations. You know the ones you’ve seen them. Clink on the link to see some.
What started out as a hobby for Roy has become a full time business. He’s inspired by the urban art scene and the dirty streets of London. (Ed – What? Even leafy Mill Lane). He creates the figures himself and then install and photographs them.

Who gave a home to this granny?
And for those of you that didn’t snaffle one of the Mill Lane installations there are still some Royspeople pieces available at Monsters of Art.