Top Ten Things to do in West Hampstead in September
How many of our top tips for August did you manage? Highlight was Random International and Wayne McGregor at the Roundhouse. Coming up this month…
0. (Starting with an August event, this week on the 31st it’s Jazz @ the Kingsgate Centre)
1. It snuck in at number 11 in the things to do in August, as it was really September, but now September is here it’s here on the list. It’s the FT Weekend Festival on Sat 2nd at Kenwood House, with many FT journalists and guest speakers.
2. Also next weekend is the opening of the latest exhibition at the Kingsgate Project Space. The artist is Hannah Lees and the title is ‘The Turning of Existence Into Its Opposite‘ . Opening is on Fri 1st, exhibition then on for September. These events are a bit cutting edge but worth a look.
3. And in the tail end of summer (West) Hampstead Beach is in its final week at JW3. Open Air Theatre is still on with Jesus Christ Superstar having another good run.
4. A whole bunch of WELbooks events to keep us entertained:
You are not too cool for cats are you? If you are not then WELbooks have the event for you! On Thurs 7th Chris Difford (he of Squeeze fame) is doing a book reading on – and bringing his guitar (contact WELBooks to book a place)
(and you heard it here first but in October Graham Gouldman of 10cc is coming to the Library – he too is bringing his guitar!)
5. It’s back to WELbooks on the 21st to hear Local author Tony McGowan talk about his book ‘The Art of Failing’ with plenty of observations about West Hampstead. We hope it’s a success.
And is if that wasn’t enough Our friends at WELbooks are also having a lock-in on the 28th – 20% of all stock and booze too. If you failed to get a copy on the 21st its another opportunity to buy a copy of ‘The Art of Failing’ by local author Tony McGowan or indeed signed copies of ‘How Not To Be A Boy’ by some guy called Robert Webb.

Dude, it’s Flick and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
6. On Wed 13th Library writer-in-residence and local councillor (and ex-actress dontcha know) Flick Rea will be doing another evening of poetry at the Library.
7. On the Mon 18th Locally Sourced are back with at evening of songs (Amanda MacLean) and poetry (Steven Watts). It takes place at the usual venue, La Brioche.
8. Fancy a barn dance (in a church)? Well, you are in luck. It’s the next CAWH event on Sat 23rd. These attract an older but enthusiastic crowd and are by all accounts good fun.
9. Thurs 28th is National Poetry Day so keep an eye out for something which will, well, bring some poetry to your commute.
10. With Immigration much in the news The Tricycle are putting on a timely show on the 28th/29th September ‘An Evening with an Immigrant‘