Out of Whamp
St Pancras to Canary Wharf
by Eugene Regis / /3 Comments/in Frontpage Article, WhampWalks /This half-day walk takes in a part of London undergoing massive regeneration, along a waterway that changed the city. Stay along the canal or break up the journey and explore different areas along the way: Kings Cross, Islington, City Road, Victoria Park, Millennium Park, Limehouse & Canary Wharf. Factbox ¦ Route map (full size)¦ Photo […]
Elstree & Borehamwood to Stanmore
by Jonathan Turton / /0 Comments/in Frontpage Article, WhampWalks /This short six-mile jaunt from Hertfordshire back into London takes in a sailing club, horses, a stunningly rich private street, the former headquarters of Fighter Command, a ruined church and – the undoubted highlight – the chance to walk alongside the M1. Stick with me people. Factbox ¦ Route map (full size)¦ Photo gallery Elstree […]
Chelsea to Richmond
by Jonathan Turton / /1 Comment/in WhampWalks /“This is the 328 to Chelsea, World’s End”. We’ve all heard the announcement, but how many of you have ridden the bus all the way to the end of the world? It’s just over an hour from West End Lane but a good start to this 12 mile walk that takes in two rivers, the […]
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