What have I missed since October 17th?
So, Ghadaffi was killed (thanks everyone for the gratuitous photos) and New Zealand finally fulfilled its rugby destiny. I was away all week, so apologies if I’ve missed any news.
A 71 year-old woman died after apparently being hit by a motorbike in Kilburn.
A rail worker suffered spinal injuries after an accident at the Thameslink construction site.
Scrap metal thieves have been targeting the cemetery.
At the Kilburn (Camden) ward Safer Neighbourhood meeting, it was announced that the area’s first Neighbourhood Watch group had been set up in Kingsgate Road, the dispersal zone will not be renewed when it expires on Nov 4th, and the dedicated High Road team and seargeant won’t be cut as had been feared.Popular SNT PC Winston Davis is moving to Barbados though!
Read more about the dispersal zone issue, and the latest on crime in the Swiss Cottage ward in this report on its Safer Neighbourhood meeting.
West Hampstead’s BinCam was on TV!
Two new photos were added to the amazing Hampstead & Kilburn Then & Now flickr set
A team of councillors were beaten 5-2 by a team from the Somali cultural centre in a charity football match.
An article appeared in Stylist magazine about West Hampstead’s online (and offline) community.
Fancy playing rugby?
Tweet of the Week